Saturday, 17 October 2009

Don't Know What You've Got Til It's Gone...

Very strange day yesterday.

I was working on a song when I suddenly realized I could no longer read. Then I realized I could no longer write. Then I realized I could no longer speak properly!

Long story short - apparently I've had something called a TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) which is a small blood clot in the brain. A mini stroke, basically.

More or less back to normal now - although I'm utterly knackered - but for a few hours it was a tad scary.

Made me think of Flowers For Algernon. The guy gradually losing all of the knowledge he'd gained. Except this loss wasn't gradual - it was very sudden.

Also gave me an insight into how frustrating dyslexia must be. Looking at text and seeing nothing but meaningless marks sucks big time.

I think I'd rather lose a leg than lose the ability to read.


  1. Oh my goodness, John! How utterly terrifying to go through something like that. Did they find out what caused it? Can you prevent them from happening in the future?

    Glad you're ok! Take time to rest and reflect.

  2. Thanks, Mel.

    More info on Facebook.

  3. Hi John
    I am so sorry to hear this, and delighted that all seems to have corrected itself. Please look after yrself.

