Saturday, 26 September 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

10:59 AM

Been a busy week or so. My brother came to stay and we've been doing DIY stuff like crazy. Wired in a new shower, a new water-heater, built cupboards, bought (but not yet fitted) guttering, tiled the living room fireplace in preparation for a wood-burning stove, painted, drunk wine and beer, played guitar...

I'm knackered!

Dave's gone home now, so I'm gradually settling back into my normal routine - one aspect of which is writing this blog.

We stuck a few vids on YouTube while he was here. Anyone interested can see them here.


  1. hello Mr R, just listened to Sally Free and Easy, and Universal Soldier. Blimey, I feel ancient.

  2. Hi, V. You and me both. Hope life is being good to you.
