Monday, 31 August 2009

Dead Dog Dreams

08:18 AM

Dreamed about Ellie - our lovely, much missed, Saluki. We had to have her killed (I hate the term 'put to sleep') three years ago, and in my dream I was driving her to the vet for the Injection of Death. Woke up with a wet pillow and too many doggy memories!

She's buried in the garden, so I shall make a point of saying hello to her this morning.

08:27 AM

Just found this in an old computer file. Nearly four years ago, then.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A Trivial Death

Yesterday my dog died.
To be more accurate, yesterday I put my dog on her lead, walked her (slowly) to my car, lifted her in, drove to the vet's surgery, and paid £35 to have her killed.
I did it for the best of reasons. I did it because she was ill, there was no hope of cure, and she was suffering.
But I still feel like shit. I still feel I've done something I had no real right to do.

12:30 PM

Don't know if it was Dead Dog Thoughts, but Rose is talking about booking a cheapo October holiday on a Greek Island. Santorini. Looks like a good plan to me!

01:19 PM

Holiday booked! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant - a vacation is just the thing, especially to Greece. :-)

    It's been a year since I lost my dog - I had to "put him down", too. Still miss him terribly.
