Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Thought Monkeys & Obedient Dogs

01:08 PM

Walked my dog this morning and noticed something interesting.

I've been working on Not Thinking - on stopping the constant flow of thoughts that almost all of us spend our waking time paying attention to - and one of the best times to do that is during my walk with Kate. She's a wilful little bugger and likes to do what she wants, regardless of my instructions. For example, when we get back to the car she often refuses to jump in. If I wait long enough she will, but sometimes I'm in a rush so I pick her up, dump her in the back and close the door on her.

Today, however, she got in with no fuss at all. In fact, her behaviour was excellent throughout the walk - and these past few days it's generally been much better than usual.

I'm wondering if that's because my state of mind is different and she's picking up on something in me. A calmer, more measured Ravenscroft.


Regarding Not Thinking, I've been reading some of Eckhart Tolle's stuff on the process (or perhaps on the lack of process).

He's a bit New Age for my tastes, but a lot of what he says fits in with my own thinking. (Ha! See how hard it is to avoid doing it?)

Tolle says:

'Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don’t realize this because almost everybody is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness...'


And if Kate's behaviour is anything to go by, when my thought monkeys are quiet, I have more natural authority... at least as far as dogs are concerned.


  1. Fascinating! I'll have to try it out on my Tiki.

    BTW, I have a wilful little bugger named Kate as well, but she's human and I get in trouble if I shove her into cars.

  2. I don't think I want to go where you're going. Who would I talk to?

  3. A friend gave me The Power of Now by Tolle a few years before she died. I've never dared open it.

  4. That is quite interesting. I do think that animals tend to be much more centered in on our emotions and our thoughts. They sense things much better than we humans do.

  5. Is Kate the daughter who's just gone to college, Leslie?

    Merc, I can't imagine you without dozens of Thought Monkeys leaping around your noggin!

    My dog is pretty stupid, Mel - but there's no doubt that she does pick up on moods.
