Friday 14 August 2009

Shakespeare in the Post Office

It's 11.00 am. I've walked the dog, bought The Daily Mirror for the elderly couple who live next door (see what a kind person I am?) and am now back in my cabin, about to carry on with today's work.

But first, a quick Blog entry.

Shirley - the woman who runs the local Post Office - makes me grin. I've known her for years, got her into computer stuff, and I do my bit to help keep her struggling business afloat. Papers, milk, the odd bottle of wine... she could retire on what I spend in her shop.

Anyway, when I turned up this morning there were two elderly women cackling away to each other and blocking the narrow passage that leads to the counter. I eased past them and paid for my paper. Shirley eyed the women, shook her head, and said: 'It's like bloody Macbeth in here sometimes... hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.'

I reminded her that there were three witches, not two - so she must be the third.

She said I was a bastard.

Came home to an interesting email concerning potential writing work. A guy in Scotland who runs ghost walks and torture tours (!) wants someone to write approx thirty scripts for his tour guides to deliver. Could be fun. I shall spend part of today looking at the info he sent and working out how long it will take to write each script. Then if we can agree a rate for the job...

We shall see.

1.24 pm - Rose just discovered a Privet Hawk Moth Caterpillar in the garden. Huge thing. No doubt there will be photographs to follow!


  1. Good luck with the commission, John. Don't undersell yourself. I'm sure you'll be injecting some Ravenscroft humour into those scripts somewhere.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to reading.

  3. Ah, the post office in Freiston. I went in there once on the way to pick up my son from school and would have gotten less strange looks if I had flown up in a spaceship! But then, it took almost a year before Margaret at our local post office would do more than grunt at me when I told her to have a nice day...

    I look forward to pictures of this caterpillar!

  4. Wrong post office, Pixie. Our nearest is at Butterwick.

    Couple of questions about this blogging thing:

    1. do you get an email when I make a new post?
    2. can you see the caterpillar pics on my wife's Facebook page?

  5. Hahaha - "you're a bastard." That's too funny.

    I think that would be quite an interesting challenge, to write those scripts. Something a bit different, too.

  6. Hi John, I saw the caterpillar. BIG! Reminds me of the enormous slugs they have in the Pacific N.W. here in the states. Blog on, my friend! You're sounding like a pro. (oh, that's are!)
